What is GPT3 and why do you need to know about it?
Depending on where you live, what you do and what you read, you might have heard the whispers, or the frantic buzz about GPT3. But what is GPT3, and why is everyone talking about it?
GPT-3, or Generative Pretrained Transformer 3, is a state-of-the-art language processing model developed by OpenAI. It has been trained on a large dataset of text and can generate human-like text when given a prompt. This has made it very popular among researchers and developers who are interested in natural language processing and generation. GPT-3 has been used to create applications such as chatbots, language translation systems, and text summarization tools. It has received a lot of attention in the media and the tech industry because of its impressive capabilities and potential to revolutionize the field of natural language processing.
That isn’t me. That’s actually ChatGPT, the latest version of GPT3 that wrote it.
A technology that we once talked about in the same tones as colonies on Mars, is not only a reality, but one that could have a massive impact on the jobs of the future. Let’s see how…
GPT3 has been trained on a large and variety of data like Common Crawl, webtexts, books, and Wikipedia, which it can access to generate content within seconds. The ability to automate bulk generation of content is definitely going to change the way we create content, do SEO and even do marketing. Check out what Zain Kahn, Head of Marketing at Prequel says about the future of marketing in a GPT3 powered world here.
Technologists are building products using this technology to automate creation of text content in a particular style for SEO, marketing slogans and much more. But that’s not all - summarizing large texts, automating translation services, generating images, and even writing code.
While it may seem like AI will render us jobless, this is the time to remember that it once took 50 people to manually light oil lamps to illuminate a few streets of a city. Today 50 people can run an entire electrical grid and illuminate a city within seconds.
Technology is already responsible for automating tasks and changing the way we work. Instead of burying your head in sand, and saying that your career path is relatively safe from the impact of innovations like GPT3, it’s important to increase your understanding of AI and its impact on current and future jobs.
Five reasons to put aside your doubts, and get friendly with AI:
💡 AI is everywhere. From Siri, Google Home and Alexa, to your favourite accounting platform. You can no longer pretend that it isn't a part of your life.
💡 If it's a part of your life, it's definitely a part of your career. Organisations across the world are deploying solutions powered by AI to increase their efficiency.
💡 Slowly, and with increasing speed, AI is allowing companies to automate many functions and improve their performance. If your job is threatened by automation, this might be a good time to upskill and make friends with the enemy.
💡 When one door closes, another opens. If AI is going to take away jobs, it's also creating new jobs. Among other roles, humans will be required to train AI, and explain its functionality & performance to senior executives. Upskilling and learning about AI will open those doors to you.
💡 Henry Ford is famously quoted for having said that "anyone who stops learning is old. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young." Never stop learning.
Adaptiv has a series of micro-lessons on the application of AI in finance, sales & automation, design and more. Just enough information for you to start understanding the impact of these disruptive innovations on your professional life, and help you start preparing for a future-proof career.