Is the GenZ way of learning going to replace the old ways?
Upskilling, reskilling and skill building are the keywords for a successful career. But GenZ has neither the time, nor the inclination to invest hours in learning new skills. Yet, they are forging ahead in their careers in an extremely volatile socio-economic environment.
As digital natives accustomed to getting answers to any question within minutes, GenZ (like their predecessors, the millennials) are natural seekers of information. From anecdotal trivia, and the right things to say to crack a job interview, to important skills for a future-proof career and smart hacks for solving a life problem, GenZ knows it all. How are they doing this?
The key to their success is micro-learning.
What is micro-learning?
Short, bite-sized learning modules that last for 5-20 minutes, micro-learning caters to the short attention span of the TikTok generation that is known to abandon websites that don’t load within 3 seconds!
Micro-learning modules can be PDFs, videos, or even short interactive modules on learning apps, and provide everything from important career skills to crucial life hacks to lead a healthier, more balanced life.
Why micro-learning?
There’s no greater proof of the efficacy of micro-learning than the way GenZ is learning everything from how to install a new appliance, to important Excel hacks through YouTube and TikTok videos. But we also have scientific research that throws light on the growing popularity of micro-learning:
As early as the 19th century, German psychologist Hermann Ebbinghaus spoke about the forgetting curve. He showed that 90% of what we learn is lost within a week. Ebbinghaus’ work also showed that the presentation and relevance of the learning material contributed to better retention. The emphasis of micro-learning on skills and practical knowledge as opposed to theory, presented in short modules that can be consumed within a few minutes lends itself to greater retention.
More recently, strategist and life coach, Zoë B, introduced the half-hour theory. According to Zoë, if you do something consistently for just 30 minutes a day, you will gradually improve and even acquire a whole new set of skills. This is a theory that has been successfully applied by language learning apps like DuoLingo and Babbel.
How is Adaptiv implementing the micro-learning model?
Adaptiv is building the largest repertoire of micro-learning courses to help students and young professionals learn about emerging trends in the new economy and acquire relevant skills for a successful career and a balanced life.
Our digital micro-lessons deliver information by chunking content into small pieces that can be consumed during a coffee break, or even when you’re on the move in public transport, the Adaptiv courses help learners retain information.
Features of the Adaptiv micro-lessons
👉 Our courses have a mobile-first design with the easy swipe functionality of Instagram stories.
👉 Built on the principles of content relevance, we have focused on courses with a very focused learning outcome.
👉 Templates suited to different subjects and a rich interface allows integration of text, images and videos to keep the learners engaged.