How can Ada help you overcome your impostor syndrome?
Have you experienced that nagging feeling of self-doubt and inadequacy at work, when you're working on a new project, or get a sudden break-through? You start to question whether you're qualified or deserving of your position and accomplishments. If yes, what you're facing is the Impostor Syndrome. A psychological phenomenon that affects many individuals, particularly those who are new to a particular field. It's surprisingly common, even among high achievers, and can really hold you back if you let it.
Can the impostor syndrome prevent you from achieving your professional goals?
Starting with self-doubt and fear of failure, the imposter syndrome can make people procrastinate and avoid taking the next step in their career. It can also lead to self-sabotaging behaviors, such as turning down opportunities or undermining their own success, which can prevent them from achieving their professional goals. Some individuals may try to overcompensate by working harder than necessary or taking on too much responsibility, which can lead to burnout and hinder their progress towards their professional goals.
Let's look at the example of Dominique, a recent college graduate who lands a dream job at a top advertising agency. Despite an impressive resume and portfolio, Dominique can't get over the feeling of having landed the job because of luck. What can be done to get past this feeling of inadequacy and prevent it from becoming an obstacle in their professional life?
A combination of career mentoring and micro-upskilling is the key to overcoming the impostor syndrome.
By working with a mentor, Dominique can gain a greater understanding of their own strengths and weaknesses, as well as the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in their chosen field. Once Dominique is aware of the areas where upskilling can help boost confidence, they can focus on acquiring those skills. By breaking down complex skills into smaller, more manageable pieces, individuals can build confidence in their abilities and reduce feelings of self-doubt.
How can Ada help you overcome the impostor syndrome and achieve career success?
🚀 Discuss the choice of the career path: You can explain to Ada your career choice, your professional goals, and what you would like to achieve in life : financial stability, comfortable work-life balance, etc.
🚀 Discover necessary skills needed for success: Based on your experience, skills and willingness to work, Ada can generate a recipe with the skills and knowledge required to succeed in your industry. In Dominique's case, Ada might have recommended understanding storytelling techniques in marketing.
🚀 Get a tailor-made micro-upskilling journey: Once you are satisfied with the recipe generated, you can embark on a learning journey with micro-learning modules that can be completed on the app, making it easier to acquire new skills, and regain confidence.