
Boost Your Career With Our Premium Plan

G. Shrivastava

January 31, 2023

In the ever-evolving landscape of career development, staying ahead is not just an aspiration; it's a necessity. At Adaptiv, we are committed to empowering individuals in their professional journeys.

After successfully onboarding over 5000 users who generated personalized career recipes using Ada's AI, we took a giant leap forward in June 2023 with the launch of our Advanced Plan, introducing AI-generated micro-courses for students and young professionals seeking micro-upskilling opportunities at an affordable cost. While this initiative was met with enthusiasm and appreciation, our commitment to understanding and addressing the evolving needs of our users led us to the unveiling of our latest offering – the Premium Plan.

Understanding the Journey: From Career Recipe to Advanced Learning

The Career Recipe generated by Ada's AI has been a cornerstone of our users' career exploration. The personalized roadmap it provides, tailored to individual skills, aspirations, and industry trends, has helped users envision their professional trajectories. The success of this initial phase prompted us to delve deeper into the needs of our users. Through extensive conversations, surveys, and feedback sessions, we gleaned valuable insights into the challenges our users faced beyond the learning phase.

The Advanced Plan: Micro-Courses for Skill Enhancement

With the launch of the Advanced Plan in June 2023, we introduced AI-generated micro-courses, recognizing the need for continuous skill enhancement in today's dynamic job market. These micro-courses were designed to be easily digestible, targeted, and aligned with industry demands, allowing our users to upskill efficiently. The response was overwhelmingly positive, with users embracing the opportunity to delve into industry-specific learning modules and refine their expertise.

Evolving Needs: The Quest for Comprehensive Career Support

As we celebrated the success of the Advanced Plan, our commitment to user satisfaction drove us to dig deeper into their aspirations and challenges. What became clear was the desire for a more comprehensive solution – a plan that not only empowered them with knowledge but also guided them through the crucial phase of job search and career initiation. This realization became the impetus for the development of our most ambitious offering yet – the Premium Plan.

Introducing the Premium Plan: Unmatched Support for Unparalleled Success

The Premium Plan is a holistic approach to career development, addressing the multifaceted needs of our users. Building on the foundation of the Career Recipe and the micro-courses, this plan goes one step further, offering a meticulously crafted six-month journey that encompasses foundational learning, skill application, profile refinement, and job search readiness.

Why should you sign up for the Premium Plan?

  1. Personalized Learning Journey: The Premium Plan kicks off with a two-month foundational learning phase, where users engage in daily micro-learning courses from the recipe generated for their chosen career path, ensuring a solid understanding of industry-specific skills.
  2. Skill Application and Refinement: Months three and four are dedicated to applying the acquired knowledge through a professional project, coupled with in-depth micro-learning modules focusing on soft skills like communication, creativity, critical thinking, and digital skills.
  3. Profile Enhancement: In the fifth month, users receive expert guidance for refining their resumes and cover letters, ensuring their professional profiles stand out in the competitive job market.
  4. Job Search Readiness: The sixth and final month is dedicated to interview preparation and comprehensive job search assistance. Users are equipped with the tools and strategies needed to navigate the job market successfully.

The Job Guarantee Commitment

One of the most distinctive features of the Premium Plan is our unwavering commitment to our users' success. Backed by our job guarantee, we are confident that the skills, insights, and support provided throughout the Premium Plan will lead to tangible career opportunities. If, for any reason, a user doesn't secure a position within their chosen domain, we offer a full refund* – a testament to our confidence in the efficacy of the Premium Plan.

* Terms and conditions apply